11.   And some infectious disease experts warn that Bayer remains unable to supply enough Cipro if terrorists start releasing anthrax strains that are resistant to other antibiotics.

12.   And some infectious-disease experts warn that Bayer remains unable to supply enough Cipro if terrorists start releasing new strains of anthrax that are resistant to other antibiotics.

13.   Another expert warned that it is too early to fully assess the deal.

14.   Anti-terrorist experts have warned that the nation is highly vulnerable to bioterrorism assaults.

15.   As eager as many mental health organizations are to be of help, several experts warned that not everyone wanted or needed counseling right after a tragedy.

16.   ATLANTA - In the theater of terrorism, Osama bin Laden might come up with the most dramatic final act of all, some experts warn.

17.   At the same time, experts warn that if such an attack were successful, the United States would be woefully unprepared.

18.   Beyond the looming financial settlements, experts warn that the perjury scandal could rebound for years inside city courtrooms.

19.   Bioterrorism experts warn that not enough has been done to train and equip civilian doctors to spot the signs of an attack.

20.   Biotechnology is set for a rude awakening when egos and independence will have to make way for discipline, cost-accounting and real products, industry experts warn.

n. + warn >>共 985
official 13.80%
analyst 4.93%
expert 4.90%
leader 4.07%
government 3.69%
police 3.50%
company 3.34%
authority 3.00%
group 2.16%
economist 2.07%
expert + v. >>共 358
say 44.77%
be 4.04%
believe 3.76%
agree 3.11%
warn 2.16%
predict 1.71%
expect 1.10%
think 0.98%
suggest 0.97%
see 0.84%
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