11.   But health experts fear many more been exposed to the virus.

12.   Experts fear China will corrupt Hong Kong anti crime allies.

13.   If it were to stop functioning, so, experts fear, would most of Japan.

14.   Left unchecked, even a slow-acting spongiform disease could become a biological prairie fire, experts fear.

15.   Long-term, the warlords could scuttle the chances of making Afghanistan a stable nation, some experts fear.

16.   Military experts fear Iraq will use the absence of U.N. inspections to hide his chemical and biological weapons deep underground, out of range of most U.S. bombs.

17.   People are bribing their way past roadblocks set up to contain the deadly Ebola virus, and experts fear new outbreaks among the thousands camped out at the barriers.

18.   TAPS may be one solution to what some experts fear is an emerging national crisis.

19.   The Geneva-based World Health Organization expressed concern about the presence of toxic metals in the water, which experts fear could pose an additional health threat.

20.   The Geneva-based World Health Organization expressed concern about the presence of toxic metals in the water that experts fear could have an additional impact on human health.

n. + fear >>共 433
security 9.04%
inflation 8.04%
investor 5.05%
official 5.05%
consumer 3.30%
government 2.62%
market 2.37%
analyst 1.62%
leader 1.62%
safety 1.43%
expert 1.37%
expert + n. >>共 114
say 42.74%
point 9.83%
fear 4.70%
caution 3.21%
doubt 2.14%
note 1.92%
estimate 1.50%
report 1.28%
work 1.28%
claim 1.07%
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