11.   Curator Joseph F. Jordan hopes the experience can lead to healing.

12.   Gregory Aller of Los Angeles was a subject, and his experiences led him to file a complaint with federal officials.

13.   Her own experiences battling weight led to diet pills and eventual hospitalization for malnourishment.

14.   His stage experience led to the role of a movie critic in a popular TV show.

15.   His experiences in World War II led him to cease being an active member of the Mormon church.

16.   If that experience leads nowhere, then naturally the equipment must be tested if its value justifies such a move.

17.   It is too early for academic results, but better social and labor market experiences typically lead to school success.

18.   Many adult children who live at home say that the experience has led to a more mature relationship with parents.

19.   Muller, an Alsatian whose European and California experience led him to EuroDisney, was happy to follow his old boss, Hannig, to Disney World.

20.   News executives from each network said the experience would probably lead to more caution in projecting results from future voter polls.

n. + lead >>共 1747
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investigation 1.12%
company 0.84%
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experience + v. >>共 482
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