11.   The diplomat was later expelled by the Czechs, who believed he was an espionage agent.

12.   This week, the Czech press has reported that an Iraqi diplomat was expelled in April, allegedly for involvement in a plot to attack the station.

13.   Under the international rules governing diplomatic immunity, the United States can unilaterally expel foreign diplomats but not incarcerate, try or sue them.

14.   Walker was celebrating his first day as an unmarked man, hours after Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic agreed to unconditionally freeze the order expelling the diplomat.

15.   When expulsions like this are made, the targeted country usually retaliates by expelling a diplomat from the country that sent off the first one.

16.   Within hours of the ruling, the German Foreign Ministry said it was recalling its ambassador to Teheran and that four Iranian diplomats would be expelled.

17.   Within hours of the ruling, the German Foreign Ministry said that it was recalling its ambassador to Tehran and that four Iranian diplomats would be expelled.

18.   A diplomatic row was touched off when Russia expelled a South Korean diplomat on spy charges.

19.   A diplomat was expelled and the Rwandan Embassy was closed until late last year.

20.   A Russian diplomat was expelled from the country as part of the fallout of that incident.

v. + diplomat >>共 260
say 21.47%
expel 5.75%
include 4.09%
quote 3.12%
kill 2.91%
send 2.15%
identify 2.08%
recall 1.94%
name 1.87%
shoot 1.66%
expel + n. >>共 305
member 8.78%
diplomat 6.39%
student 4.55%
refugee 2.62%
thousand 2.39%
foreigner 2.31%
worker 2.00%
people 1.93%
immigrant 1.85%
journalist 1.85%
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