11.   -- How far and fast should coverage be expanded for the uninsured?

12.   After expanding for years, the contact-lens market in the United States is barely growing.

13.   Both locations house airports that have room to expand for international flights.

14.   But others like Regjepi have plunged successfully into mainstream life around New York because of employment and social-service programs created or expanded for them.

15.   Communications recovery officials turned to microwaves to bring back the system and expand it for a soaring volume of calls.

16.   Democrats say they too want to expand choices for consumers, but would do it differently.

17.   During a recession, the amendment could prevent pump-priming expenditures and expanded benefits for the unemployed, unnecessarily exacerbating an economic downturn.

18.   Educational, employment and business opportunities were expanded for black citizens.

19.   Even as the options expand for buying tickets, there remains a sense of mystery about the process.

20.   Federal budgets keep rising, naturally, but not as fast as the economy, which has been expanding for nearly eight years.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
know 3.31%
reach 3.03%
fight 2.21%
qualify 1.86%
be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
expand 0.03%
expand + p. >>共 66
in 28.34%
to 20.93%
at 7.05%
beyond 7.01%
from 4.46%
by 3.70%
with 3.60%
through 3.06%
for 2.41%
outside 2.27%
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