11.   Some judges have insisted that lawyers proceed with jury selection and try to excuse prospective jurors who say they cannot be fair.

12.   The bill also forbids lawyers from excusing potential jurors over a belief their sexual orientation makes them biased.

13.   The juror was excused.

14.   Three other jurors were excused without questioning.

15.   Court also said trial judge improperly excused potential juror who opposed death penalty.

16.   Hutton excused the juror Tuesday after a closed hearing.

17.   Jurors were excused until Monday, but attorneys were told to return Friday for a hearing on the admissibility of evidence and the motion.

18.   Jurors were excused until Monday, but attorneys were told to return Friday for a hearing on the admissibility of evidence.

19.   One juror was excused because of work obligations.

20.   Seventeen prospective jurors were excused for a variety of reasons, including work and family commitments and acquaintance with potential witnesses or someone involved in the case.

v. + juror >>共 249
tell 9.34%
question 7.03%
dismiss 6.58%
sequester 3.02%
ask 3.02%
select 2.22%
remove 2.14%
instruct 2.14%
interview 2.14%
excuse 2.14%
excuse + n. >>共 159
juror 8.57%
absence 4.29%
behavior 3.93%
jury 3.93%
student 2.86%
expression 2.50%
man 2.14%
crime 1.79%
child 1.79%
woman 1.79%
每页显示:    共 24