11.   Trim the excess dough, leaving enough to seal and crimp the edges.

12.   Trim excess dough from edges.

13.   Trim away any excess dough even with the top rim of the pan so that it is within the pan.

14.   Trim excess dough even with top of pan and push dough off top of rim so it is completely within pan.

15.   With a sharp knife, cut away excess dough and shape or decorate edges as desired.

a. + dough >>共 141
soft 13.17%
remaining 9.41%
smooth 4.57%
excess 4.03%
stiff 4.03%
extra 2.96%
biscuit 2.69%
big 2.42%
fried 2.15%
frozen 1.61%
excess + n. >>共 546
capacity 7.96%
inventory 7.92%
fat 4.78%
water 4.28%
supply 3.37%
moisture 2.37%
weight 2.22%
liquid 2.10%
cash 1.87%
production 1.61%
dough 0.57%
每页显示:    共 15