11.   There was no exact breakdown of the jury vote, and none of the jurors was available to discuss the case.

12.   There was no exact breakdown on the number of seats won by each faction, but it was clear that neither side was able to build a decisive edge.

13.   There was no exact breakdown of the jury vote.

14.   There was no exact breakdown on the number of seats won by each faction.

15.   But an exact breakdown could not be obtained.

16.   But an exact breakdown of the results could not be obtained.

a. + breakdown >>共 264
mental 6.21%
defensive 4.41%
complete 3.95%
racial 3.28%
detailed 2.94%
mechanical 2.82%
total 2.26%
family 2.26%
emotional 2.15%
latest 2.03%
exact 1.81%
exact + n. >>共 638
number 11.03%
date 9.05%
location 5.87%
cause 5.70%
figure 5.45%
amount 3.31%
nature 2.74%
opposite 2.08%
time 1.91%
science 1.41%
breakdown 0.30%
每页显示:    共 16