11.   Slocombe suggested there should be no doubt any new members would be entitled to the protection of the United States and the other allies, if attacked.

12.   This entitles members to round-the-clock medical emergency assistance anywhere in Metro Manila, eastern Rizal, Cavite and Laguna.

v. + member >>共 634
include 6.76%
arrest 3.73%
kill 3.60%
have 3.22%
meet 2.03%
appoint 1.73%
say 1.34%
recruit 1.32%
lose 1.28%
expel 1.13%
entitle 0.12%
entitle + n. >>共 209
employee 3.70%
people 3.08%
company 2.67%
member 2.46%
child 2.26%
worker 2.05%
defendant 2.05%
immigrant 2.05%
president 2.05%
holder 2.05%
每页显示:    共 12