11.   Lawyers from the Haitian Refugee Center in Miami argued that the Haitian children were entitled to constitutional protection because the US government gave them safe haven in Guantanamo Bay.

v. + child >>共 668
have 15.92%
include 3.82%
raise 3.39%
take 3.00%
kill 2.98%
send 2.50%
protect 2.27%
help 1.95%
keep 1.59%
adopt 1.50%
entitle 0.05%
entitle + n. >>共 209
employee 3.70%
people 3.08%
company 2.67%
member 2.46%
child 2.26%
worker 2.05%
defendant 2.05%
immigrant 2.05%
president 2.05%
holder 2.05%
每页显示:    共 11