11.   West also engineered the trades that brought key role players such as Glen Rice and Robert Horry to the team.

v. + trade >>共 654
make 9.43%
boost 3.74%
promote 2.68%
ply 2.62%
discuss 2.26%
demand 2.23%
learn 2.19%
increase 2.17%
expand 2.11%
execute 1.99%
engineer 0.22%
engineer + n. >>共 354
ouster 3.04%
firm 3.04%
election 1.74%
turnaround 1.74%
trade 1.59%
change 1.59%
merger 1.59%
deal 1.45%
meeting 1.16%
corn 1.16%
每页显示:    共 11