11.   Oh, that would endanger national security, all right.

12.   Roiled by conservative arguments that START II endangered American security, .

13.   Sam King, a wrecker operator from Goffstown, said he feared that opening the reserves would endanger national security.

14.   The British police arrested eight Algerians earlier this month and charged two of them with endangering national security.

15.   The House, where critics charged that Clinton endangered American security, voted overwhelming to ban U.S. companies from launching satellites aboard Chinese rockets.

16.   The ministers decided the complaint failed to show Ziegler had endangered Swiss security.

17.   The Peruvian president said any retrial would open the door to the freeing of hundreds of terrorists and would endanger security.

18.   U.S. policy towards export policy shifted last March amid concerns that some companies were giving China and other nations technology that could endanger national security.

19.   Police prevented dissidents from going to the court where a labor activist accused of endangering state security was due to be tried Sunday, a human rights group said.

20.   People who apply for accounts must sign an agreement to abide by Chinese law and not endanger state security.

v. + security >>共 638
tighten 8.10%
provide 7.43%
step_up 5.27%
improve 4.37%
sell 4.33%
increase 4.28%
beef_up 3.25%
buy 3.22%
threaten 2.30%
guarantee 2.22%
endanger 1.28%
endanger + n. >>共 390
life 16.14%
security 7.54%
welfare 4.17%
safety 3.43%
health 2.62%
civilian 1.74%
species 1.62%
child 1.50%
public 1.37%
hostage 1.31%
每页显示:    共 120