11.   Guided by ultrasound, doctors can now end a pregnancy as early as eight days after conception.

12.   He said, for example, that he would not agree to an exception that would allow a woman who had been raped to end her pregnancy.

13.   Her doctor and doctors at four different medical centers advised her to end the pregnancy.

14.   However one views abortion, the prevention of pregnancy is ethically better than ending a pregnancy.

15.   If pregnancies are ended earlier, by more doctors in more places, the outrage that erupts in public protest may become too diffuse to sustain itself.

16.   It is not used as a morning-after contraceptive pill but instead can be taken to end a pregnancy up to seven weeks after the last menstrual period.

17.   It does not negate the act of ending a pregnancy.

18.   Last September, the FDA approved mifepristone as a safe and effective way to end pregnancies up to seven weeks.

19.   Mifeprex is the Food and Drug Administration-approved pill for ending early pregnancy.

20.   Opponents say such a law would result in more girls seeking illegal and risky methods to end their pregnancies.

v. + pregnancy >>共 132
prevent 15.89%
terminate 12.88%
end 10.37%
avoid 3.51%
reduce 2.84%
have 2.84%
hide 2.51%
abort 2.17%
announce 2.01%
carry 2.01%
end + n. >>共 821
war 4.98%
inning 4.81%
game 2.95%
violence 2.86%
conflict 2.78%
crisis 2.27%
career 2.16%
strike 2.09%
threat 1.95%
life 1.48%
pregnancy 0.36%
每页显示:    共 62