11.   In a public-key encryption system, a person has a public key and a private key.

12.   In that case, the magazine is seeking to publish and link to a computer program that breaks the encryption system used to block copying of DVD movies.

13.   In other words, the new encryption system is not for the poor or the technologically faint-hearted.

14.   In this system, encryption systems would have to generate an extra decoding key that would be handed over to some trusted institution, like a bank.

15.   Netscape, and other users of encryption systems that are exported, may be getting some help from the government.

16.   Safdar said the administration refuses to recognize that a key escrow law will encourage users to use unregulated encryption systems from overseas.

17.   RSA and similar encryption systems are based on the fact that it is immensely difficult and time-consuming for even the most powerful computers to factor large numbers.

18.   Stefansson stressed that the company will use an advanced computer encryption system that will prevent individual health records in the database from becoming public.

19.   Studios had held off releasing movies in the new format until JVC developed an encryption system to prevent copying and piracy.

20.   The Clinton administration will seek to allow the export of programs with stronger encryption systems, which should make the work of intruders much more difficult.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
encryption 0.09%
encryption + n. >>共 76
technology 22.79%
software 20.59%
program 8.27%
system 5.51%
product 4.04%
key 3.86%
code 3.68%
policy 2.57%
algorithm 1.84%
scheme 1.84%
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