11.   A painting of Marlon Brando as the Godfather hangs in the foyer next to ceiling-high elephant tusks.

12.   Foreign buyers are known to aggressively seek elephant tusks, although the trade is banned by an international treaty.

13.   Hernandez said a quota has been set on the amount of elephant tusks that can be taken.

14.   Japan would be a major customer for elephant tusks because ivory is used to make the seals that Japanese affix to documents in place of a signature.

15.   Last year, she found a carved elephant tusk.

16.   One sculpture, the length and shape of a large canoe, is ribbed in opaque elephant tusks and littered with tangled spears and human skulls.

17.   On the outskirts of this arid African capital, thousands of elephant tusks fill metal shelves stretching into the gloom of a nondescript warehouse.

18.   On top rests an elephant tusk for ivory.

19.   Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik admitted Wednesday that he unwittingly smuggled two illegal elephant tusks into Norway after an official visit to Africa.

20.   Stadum crafts cues from exotic woods, often with a touch of silver, gold, elephant tusks or sparkling gems.

n. + tusk >>共 4
elephant 76.67%
walrus 13.33%
boar 6.67%
branch 3.33%
elephant + n. >>共 214
dung 9.38%
population 7.03%
tusk 4.49%
herd 3.13%
ivory 2.15%
trainer 2.15%
grass 2.15%
expert 1.76%
program 1.56%
ride 1.37%
每页显示:    共 23