11.   In any event, political analysts said campaign organizations have devised elaborate schemes over the years for circumventing spending limits in key primary states.

12.   Instead Nordberg had become the victim of an elaborate scheme by the seller, whose trustworthiness, it turned out, was based on a record of fictitious transactions.

13.   Instead they dreamed up an elaborate landing scheme straight out of a Wallace and Gromit cartoon.

14.   It said Taub had engaged in an elaborate scheme to siphon millions of dollars from Ocean House through improper mortgage transactions and other maneuvers.

15.   Moreover, the independent audit concluded that initial drilling results had been deliberately doctored in an elaborate scheme to make the finds appear far richer than they actually were.

16.   Reportedly bolstering the intrigue are witnesses now in special protection, who have said the Revolutionary Institutional Party used an elaborate scheme involving raffles to launder the money.

17.   Reportedly bolstering the intrigue are witnesses now in special protection, who have said the Revolutionary Institutional Party usedan elaborate scheme involving raffles to launder the money.

18.   So may the investment bankers who helped set up the elaborate financing schemes and even the brokerage houses that touted the company to investors.

19.   Talk about elaborate schemes.

20.   The deals turned out to be nothing more than elaborate Ponzi schemes.

a. + scheme >>共 855
new 6.63%
grand 3.18%
defensive 2.91%
alleged 2.40%
similar 2.23%
such 2.16%
insurance 1.93%
offensive 1.86%
pilot 1.79%
blocking 1.45%
elaborate 1.15%
elaborate + n. >>共 960
system 3.71%
ceremony 2.92%
plan 2.27%
security 1.79%
costume 1.53%
scheme 1.48%
set 1.31%
design 1.18%
ritual 1.13%
preparation 0.87%
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