11.   For patients with severe nausea, taking a pill is often not an effective therapy, Kohl said.

12.   His research has focused on how HIV, the AIDS virus, impairs the immune system and on ways to develop more effective therapies and a vaccine.

13.   Interferons represent the only effective therapy for hepatitis C but are effective only in some patients, and have side effects including flu-like symptoms and depression.

14.   It includes developing effective therapies for other diseases affecting the immune system and rheumatology, his contributions to the advancement of science, and distinguished public service.

15.   Like patients, doctors can become as frustrated when they have no effective therapy to offer and as enthusiastic as patients when a new therapy suddenly offers dramatic improvement.

16.   Others said they believe that smallpox can be cured when in fact there is no proven effective therapy once someone becomes sick from smallpox.

17.   Researchers have found, for example, that cognitive therapy and antidepressants are effective therapies for many patients suffering from bulimia nervosa.

18.   That small arsenal is an indisputable advance over the early days of the epidemic, when there was no effective therapy for HIV.

19.   The changes include greater accuracy in diagnosis, more effective therapy and stronger rules to inform patients about diagnoses and the consent now required from patients participating in experiments.

20.   The disfiguring disease can be caused by parasitic infection to the lymph nodes and has had no completely effective therapy to date.

a. + therapy >>共 476
new 7.18%
alternative 6.24%
standard 3.06%
effective 2.18%
experimental 2.12%
light 1.75%
traditional 1.75%
conventional 1.75%
cognitive 1.69%
medical 1.50%
effective + n. >>共 1303
way 7.37%
treatment 3.97%
control 2.85%
tool 1.80%
use 1.75%
measure 1.56%
method 1.39%
mean 1.35%
action 1.33%
weapon 1.27%
therapy 0.66%
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