11.   They insist that virtually all of their students reach a high educational standard.

12.   We can not compete on the basis of low educational standards or poor working conditions.

13.   We have begun the job of raising educational standards and breaking down the barriers between the vocational and the academic routes.

14.   Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.

15.   The conference reflected a growing concern for deteriorating educational standards in the USA.

16.   We must Adapt this to the continuing changes in educational standards to meet the requirements of both Students, Educationalists and Governmental bodies.

17.   Uphold the educational standards and policies of the Association and support the advancement and acquisition of education, training and qualifications.

18.   And academics are scrutinizing them to evaluate the educational standards they set.

19.   As nurses and nurse executives followed her lead, she worked to uphold high educational standards and raise the esteem in which nurses were held.

20.   At the same time, Ms. Strickland said, the group was pushing to raise educational standards in the poor districts.

a. + standard >>共 554
new 7.29%
high 6.05%
international 5.78%
higher 3.74%
federal 2.67%
environmental 2.47%
national 2.33%
academic 1.97%
minimum 1.89%
same 1.74%
educational 0.68%
educational + n. >>共 648
program 7.75%
system 5.42%
institution 5.36%
opportunity 3.95%
software 2.86%
material 2.72%
reform 1.95%
standard 1.69%
background 1.47%
experience 1.27%
每页显示:    共 77