11.   And after Clinton moved into the White House, leading Republicans continued to lobby for easing restrictions on satellite sales to China.

12.   And he urged the government of Israel to show restraint in its military response and to ease restrictions on Palestinian civilians.

13.   And, although President Fernando Henrique Cardoso has announced a tough fiscal austerity package, he may ease fiscal restrictions to win votes at the elections.

14.   As doubts and criticism of the NATO assault increased, one immediate question was whether the political leaders of NATO might ease restrictions on the missile and bombing attacks.

15.   As a result of the security meeting that ended badly, Israel said it was easing some restrictions on Palestinians.

16.   Backers of medical uses of marijuana have tried repeatedly to get the government to ease those restrictions, but have failed repeatedly.

17.   Authorities say they have no plans to ease the restrictions.

18.   Beginning Friday at noon, the Israelis were to have begun easing restrictions on Palestinian areas in return for a crackdown on militants by Arafat.

19.   Before those restrictions are eased, Albright said, Iran must end development of nuclear weapons and its support of terrorism.

20.   -- Ease institutional restrictions that block goods coming through ports or airports.

v. + restriction >>共 402
impose 12.33%
ease 11.92%
lift 11.71%
place 4.51%
remove 3.24%
tighten 3.05%
have 2.93%
relax 2.56%
loosen 2.36%
face 2.07%
ease + n. >>共 771
tension 10.44%
concern 7.61%
restriction 7.59%
pressure 4.88%
pain 3.95%
sanction 3.90%
fear 3.72%
burden 2.58%
regulation 1.62%
closure 1.57%
每页显示:    共 579