11.   An earlier version already passed that chamber.

12.   An earlier version of the bill said they had to have competitors that own their own networks and offer both business and residential service.

13.   An earlier version of the missile was tested last August and passed through Japanese airspace, helping to galvanize public opinion in favor of stronger defense measures.

14.   America Online supported an earlier version of the plan that would have used a different, looser standard of objectionable content.

15.   An earlier version came with a mountain bike.

16.   An earlier version of the bill died there last year, and Richardson hopes for the same fate this year.

17.   An earlier version of the show produced by Susan Gallen and directed by Joe Mantello failed to get off the ground.

18.   An early test version recommended only for computer professionals is available for earlier versions of Microsoft Windows, and a Macintosh version is expected later this month.

19.   An earlier version of Furby was manually controlled with dials and came to life like a puppet.

20.   An earlier version of the monument stands at Boston Common.

a. + version >>共 826
new 8.89%
final 3.59%
different 3.44%
earlier 2.98%
latest 2.83%
early 1.57%
original 1.40%
first 1.34%
generic 1.26%
updated 1.19%
earlier + n. >>共 973
report 6.23%
version 2.44%
study 2.07%
statement 1.71%
year 1.55%
gain 1.48%
decision 1.47%
loss 1.28%
attempt 1.15%
time 1.05%
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