11.   The drug interferes with the production of substances called prostaglandins, which promote the clumping of blood platelets, which are essential to the formation of blood clots.

12.   These drugs interfere with an enzyme to block the production of new viral particles.

13.   The drugs interfere with that.

n. + interfere >>共 430
government 6.17%
police 4.11%
court 2.06%
drug 1.67%
force 1.54%
official 1.54%
law 1.54%
politics 1.41%
state 1.16%
work 0.90%
drug + v. >>共 520
be 31.69%
have 4.61%
work 3.45%
traffic 2.96%
help 2.64%
cause 2.60%
become 1.66%
come 1.48%
reduce 1.38%
make 1.14%
interfere 0.26%
每页显示:    共 13