11.   Masaru Arai, general manager of the stock division with Ryoko Securities, said the Nikkei index was driven up by public fund buying and futures-led buying.

12.   To root out speculatorsand others betting stock prices would tumble, the government continued Friday to pour money into the market to drive the index higher.

v. + index >>共 228
lead 6.49%
mix 5.87%
push 5.07%
calculate 4.71%
use 3.73%
release 3.47%
boost 2.93%
beat 2.76%
lift 2.76%
drag 2.22%
drive 1.07%
drive + n. >>共 1585
car 11.10%
price 3.61%
truck 2.53%
ball 2.23%
wedge 2.16%
vehicle 1.76%
growth 1.50%
market 1.50%
rebel 1.27%
people 1.22%
index 0.13%
每页显示:    共 12