11.   Iraq can arrange to buy food and medicine but the U.N. committee must be informed of the details of any purchases, the draft said.

12.   Many of those new infections go undiagnosed, and therefore untreated, the draft said.

13.   The council demands that both the government and ethnic Albanian leadership implement the terms of the agreement and previous council resolutions, the draft says.

14.   The draft says Sudanese laws will be based on Islamic law or sharia.

15.   The draft also said Israeli troops would have freedom of movement while chasing suspected terrorists.

16.   The draft also says Israeli troops should have freedom of movement while chasing suspected terrorists.

17.   The draft published Wednesday said Kosovo would have its own president, courts, government and parliament.

18.   The draft says people who live near the plant do not face any health hazards from current operations.

19.   The draft said that a Sarajevo Return Commission of local and international officials would be created later this month to oversee the process.

20.   The draft says that most Sudanese people are Muslims, but it recognizes that Sudan is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country.

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draft + v. >>共 255
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