11.   Several Philadelphia donors said they supported Clinton after he admitted to having a relationship with Lewinsky.

12.   Some even suggest that business donors just say no.

13.   Some donors say they approve of the openness.

14.   Some donors said that a ban on soft money would be something of a relief.

15.   The donors say they have invested their eight figure donation and will bequeath it to the school when they die.

16.   The major Democratic donor did not say very much at those meetings, other members said, and his attendance has fallen off sharply in recent months.

17.   Three donors said they never intended their gifts strictly for the White House.

18.   But donors said the Bosnian Serbs are unlike to see much, if any, of those funds.

19.   But donors said the government should accelerate its privatization program, setting a timetable for ending state control of the huge copper monopoly, Zambia Consolidated Cooper Mining.

20.   Corruption is rife, and international donors say it presents the biggest challenge to Kenya.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
donor 0%
donor + v. >>共 340
be 16.69%
give 4.19%
have 3.97%
say 2.53%
include 2.24%
get 2.24%
come 2.10%
want 1.95%
make 1.59%
receive 1.52%
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