11.   There was so much work to do that Carrier had to send some of it out to other shops.

12.   To do so would have required cutting through the territories of Azerbaijan and Armenia, bitter rivals over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

13.   To do this would have real significance for contracts and other legal actions.

14.   What they are doing here has nothing to do with drugs.

15.   What you see me doing is having fun, playing football and trying to make plays.

16.   But district officials say the desire to keep the Mile High name and the price for doing so still have to be weighed.

17.   Or, that he did not have them, but decided to grab them, and has suffered at my hand.

v. + have >>共 788
be 3.20%
say 2.13%
have 1.80%
fighting 1.57%
play 1.46%
spending 1.40%
box 1.29%
mourn 1.12%
lave 1.01%
win 0.96%
do 0.96%
do + v. >>共 281
be 40.15%
require 4.67%
make 2.46%
seem 1.78%
help 1.70%
have 1.44%
mean 1.36%
well 1.27%
work 1.10%
take 1.02%
每页显示:    共 17