11.   We cannot afford to have a society divided like this.

12.   Yet the trickle-down pattern already evident, with its potential to divide society into technological haves and have-nots, has raised concerns in Washington and elsewhere.

13.   I will work to close the opportunity gap that too often divides our society and expand economic opportunity in untapped markets in American cities.

14.   Observers warn an election triggered by the bill would likely be fought on race issues, dividing Australian society and damaging its international reputation.

15.   Pakistani society is divided between religious extremists and people who are excessively Western-oriented, he said.

16.   Romanians, traditionally gloomy about the fate of this nation buffered for centuries between the Russian and Ottoman empires, say society is now divided between haves and have-nots.

17.   The government says Shiite teaching could divide Muslim society and trigger violence between sects.

18.   The government says teaching Shiism to them could divide Muslim society and trigger violence between sects.

19.   The upcoming strike has divided Spanish society.

20.   Western officials have argued against declaring a state of war, fearing it would anger ethnic Albanians and further divide society.

v. + society >>共 409
transform 2.97%
change 2.88%
protect 2.61%
create 2.16%
divide 2.07%
reflect 1.89%
help 1.62%
join 1.53%
build 1.53%
benefit 1.44%
divide + n. >>共 1107
country 5.25%
time 4.99%
analyst 2.25%
opinion 1.97%
city 1.93%
expert 1.76%
money 1.66%
nation 1.61%
party 1.61%
people 1.40%
society 0.43%
每页显示:    共 23