11.   In those cases, the typical solution was to divide the community into two zones, with each zone receiving a pair of watering days.

12.   Kandel said Garcetti spoke about concerns over a verdict in the Simpson case that might divide the community along racial lines.

13.   No infectious agent has yet been found to cause chronic fatigue, and the medical community is divided on whether one exists.

14.   Of course, many areas of the country have fought over how to use old military bases, and airports have divided communities for decades.

15.   On Thursday, Boudreaux said she believes her motion would not divide racial communities.

16.   The Christian community itself is divided.

17.   The case has divided the community, and Youngtown Police Chief Art Baker has received hate mail from as far away as Georgia and North Carolina.

18.   The community is divided on the issue.

19.   The community is being divided by a Shell Chemical Co. plan to relocate half of its residents.

20.   The dental community is sharply divided over whether mercury in fillings is harmful.

v. + community >>共 650
serve 3.63%
divide 2.72%
build 2.54%
help 2.40%
create 2.09%
leave 1.99%
farm 1.68%
have 1.31%
protect 1.27%
affect 1.18%
divide + n. >>共 1107
country 5.25%
time 4.99%
analyst 2.25%
opinion 1.97%
city 1.93%
expert 1.76%
money 1.66%
nation 1.61%
party 1.61%
people 1.40%
community 1.13%
每页显示:    共 60