11.   A report that help-wanted ads in Canadian newspapers climbed to the highest level in seven years also discouraged investors from buying bonds, traders said.

12.   A weaker Canadian dollar discouraged investors from buying bonds, analysts said.

13.   A weaker dollar can discourage international investors from buying U.S. assets, since it erodes the returns they receive when the proceeds are converted into their domestic currencies.

14.   A weaker ringgit also discourages foreign investors because investments in Malaysian stocks lose value in foreign currency terms.

15.   A weaker yen weighs on bond prices, discouraging foreign investors who see their repatriated profits eroded by the slipping currency.

16.   A stronger dollar -- and weaker yen -- discourages foreign investors from buying Japanese bonds because the value of these investments is eroded when changed back into dollars.

17.   A stronger dollar and a weaker yen discourages foreign investors from buying Japanese bonds because the value of these investments is eroded when changed back into dollars.

18.   A stronger dollar and weaker yen weigh on yen-denominated bonds, discouraging foreign investors who see their repatriated profits eroded.

19.   A weaker dollar discourages foreign investors from buying American assets like Treasury securities.

20.   A weakening dollar, which discourages non-U.S. investors from taking positions in the market, also contributed to the decline.

v. + investor >>共 654
attract 10.79%
lure 4.63%
say 2.73%
reassure 2.42%
draw 2.36%
discourage 2.22%
keep 2.16%
disappoint 2.00%
protect 1.86%
encourage 1.83%
discourage + n. >>共 845
people 6.22%
investor 5.27%
investment 4.46%
use 3.09%
company 2.43%
speculation 1.16%
country 1.09%
child 1.09%
woman 1.02%
practice 0.91%
每页显示:    共 149