11.   Israel blamed the Hamas leaders killed, Jamal Mansour and Jamal Salim, with directing numerous attacks.

12.   Lee Hockstader, the bureau chief, said he believed that the attack was directed against foreign journalists generally, not The Washington Post specifically.

13.   NATO officials said Sunday that weekend attacks were directed largely against Serbian artillery and armor in south and southeastern Kosovo.

14.   Significantly, some of the people directing the attacks were skeptical that air power alone would force the Serbs out of Kosovo.

15.   That battle was conducted largely by air attacks, with limited involvement of U.S. Special Operations forces, mainly to direct air attacks and advise Afghan ground troops.

16.   The commander directed the attacks.

17.   The leaders insist that they are not involved in directing specific attacks.

18.   The only difference is that these terrorists are directing their attacks at us, and we can take care of them.

19.   They can form a triangle with a plane like the Gnat and missile crews, using a hand-held laser pointer to direct an attack on a moving target.

20.   Under that interpretation, Washington could direct bombing attacks and, perhaps, conduct refueling and other support operations, but not conduct bombing missions from Saudi territory.

v. + attack >>共 478
launch 8.81%
prevent 4.71%
condemn 4.68%
carry 4.29%
follow 3.85%
plan 3.70%
stop 3.24%
blame 2.73%
stage 2.39%
report 1.79%
direct 0.34%
direct + n. >>共 1000
traffic 4.46%
film 3.97%
movie 2.31%
operation 2.10%
attention 1.97%
anger 1.77%
air 1.77%
effort 1.67%
play 1.44%
attack 1.41%
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