11.   Trying to translate its policy into a diplomatic triumph, the Administration used some blunt language with Mr. Castro.

12.   For Hanoi, recognition would be a diplomatic triumph.

13.   Holbrooke has produced a string of diplomatic triumphs in the Balkans for him, beginning with the withdrawal of Bosnian Serb heavy artillery from striking distance of Sarajevo.

14.   Taiwan, however, is hailing the trip as a diplomatic triumph that might one day end its international isolation.

15.   This time, the Canadian foray fits into a series of diplomatic triumphs for Castro as Cuba gradually emerges from isolation.

16.   Foreign policy has made a late but grand entrance in the presidential campaign with the president touting his diplomatic triumphs while his rival dismisses the victories as hollow.

17.   EU leaders risked seeing what they regard as a diplomatic triumph in helping to end the Bethlehem siege spoilt by the reluctance of member states to host the men.

18.   Their agreement was seen here as a diplomatic triumph for Moi.

19.   The decision will bring relief to EU leaders who risked seeing their diplomatic triumph in ending the siege spoilt by the reluctance of member states to host the men.

a. + triumph >>共 383
personal 5.29%
greatest 4.39%
first 3.05%
olympic 2.33%
great 2.15%
major 2.15%
diplomatic 1.70%
small 1.52%
double 1.52%
consecutive 1.43%
diplomatic + n. >>共 581
source 11.25%
tie 9.02%
effort 7.49%
mission 5.19%
solution 3.14%
pressure 2.10%
channel 1.78%
recognition 1.70%
contact 1.38%
activity 1.34%
triumph 0.16%
每页显示:    共 19