11.   Iraqi dissidents, Jordanian intelligence agents, and Western diplomats, all referring to a mix of witnesses and other sources, tell differing versions.

12.   Kennedy also will play a pivotal role in a House-Senate conference committee that will seek to meld differing versions of the education bill.

13.   No court ever sorted out the differing versions of events presented at the two trials.

14.   That would avoid major House-Senate negotiations over differing versions of the highly sensitive measure.

15.   The differing versions of the space budget will be worked out in a House-Senate conference committee.

16.   The House of Representatives passed a line-item veto in February of last year and a month later the Senate followed, but with a widely differing version.

17.   The Senate amendments could be stripped when the Senate and House reconcile differing versions of the bill, and that could attract more Democrats.

18.   The two men repeated their differing versions last Thursday, to the bewilderment of the committee.

19.   Truth lived somewhere within the web of differing versions of stories, disputes about minor points and outright contradictions tangling with old feuds and village rivalries.

20.   Asked to explain the differing versions, the official allowed for the possibility that Karzai may have information not available in State Department channels.

a. + version >>共 826
new 8.89%
final 3.59%
different 3.44%
earlier 2.98%
latest 2.83%
early 1.57%
original 1.40%
first 1.34%
generic 1.26%
updated 1.19%
differing 0.28%
differing + n. >>共 296
view 12.29%
opinion 5.56%
account 4.98%
version 3.12%
interpretation 3.02%
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