11.   After I ranted and raved about that for a week, they devised this method of making sure that I get a sample of everything.

12.   By mapping the genes of both human beings and infectious viruses and bacteria, she said, scientists can devise new methods for fighting these tiny but deadly enemies.

13.   Experts say this will inevitably spur some hacker to devise a method of tapping into those transmissions.

14.   He became obsessed with the exotic birds he found in the wilderness and devised a method to mount the birds on wires to draw them in more lifelike poses.

15.   If that is the case, she said, the judge must then devise a method which is least restrictive to the First Amendment.

16.   In heavy combat in World War II and Korea, some air and ground commanders devised temporary methods of working together.

17.   In response last week, the board ordered Thompson once again to devise a method to curb the practice.

18.   In studying the problem, mathematicians devised a method of analysis called circle maps.

19.   Inventors often devise methods of untangling knotty problems.

20.   It is illegal to pay workers on the basis of the number of signatures obtained, but candidates often devise other methods of accomplishing the same thing.

v. + method >>共 368
use 28.50%
develop 5.15%
change 2.42%
try 2.16%
apply 1.98%
have 1.85%
devise 1.76%
adopt 1.76%
account 1.72%
describe 1.23%
devise + n. >>共 336
way 16.09%
plan 12.18%
strategy 8.08%
system 4.49%
method 2.56%
scheme 2.50%
solution 1.99%
program 1.67%
formula 1.67%
policy 1.35%
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