11.   Chavez steadfastly holds to his policy of not devaluing the bolivar to help slow inflation.

12.   Venezuela announced Wednesday an end to its fixed exchange rate for business travelers and tourists, effectively devaluing the bolivar by almost half for those purposes.

13.   The measure will effectively devalue the bolivar.

v. + bolivar >>共 21
devalue 31.71%
sell 9.76%
exchange 7.32%
defend 4.88%
overvalue 4.88%
value 4.88%
buy 2.44%
convert 2.44%
devaluate 2.44%
float 2.44%
devalue + n. >>共 102
currency 46.91%
peso 12.25%
ruble 7.28%
baht 5.85%
yuan 4.86%
real 1.99%
bolivar 1.43%
franc 1.32%
pound 1.21%
dong 0.99%
每页显示:    共 13