11.   At least four journalists were detained.

12.   At least two journalists were detained in an alleged coup plot in Nigeria in March.

13.   At least four journalists are detained.

14.   Authorities used document checks to hinder foreign and domestic reporters from coming, and several local journalists were detained.

15.   Col. Kiki Syanakri, military commander of East Timor, confirmed he had detained the journalists, saying they attempted to enter the province illegally.

16.   Detained British journalist released by Taliban.

17.   Eight other journalists were detained in Gaza City after covering a rally of a radical PLO faction, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

18.   Following the shootout, Israeli soldiers briefly detained five journalists, including an Associated Press photographer, and confiscated their press cards.

19.   Four journalists were detained late Monday on charges of supporting and organizing an illegal demonstration, Nazif Karaman of the newspaper Akit said.

20.   Hard-liners in the judiciary have shut down six other publications in recent months and detained six journalists for allegedly publishing lies.

v. + journalist >>共 451
bar 7.54%
tell 5.13%
kill 4.04%
allow 3.51%
arrest 3.04%
prevent 2.91%
include 2.72%
keep 2.50%
detain 2.19%
release 2.00%
detain + n. >>共 380
people 13.63%
man 10.67%
suspect 9.64%
hundred 2.55%
protester 2.17%
member 1.98%
journalist 1.90%
activist 1.74%
dozen 1.71%
leader 1.60%
每页显示:    共 70