11.   The grit on asphalt shingles and roll roofing does the same thing, in addition to providing the desired color.

12.   The resurfacing process involves cleaning the surface with an etching cream, filling any chips, priming it and spray painting with the desired color.

13.   Using canned frosting tinted desired colors, frost muffins and top with sprinkles.

14.   When desired color is reached, cool on a large cookie sheet, stirring occasionally.

15.   When paint on surface of cookies is dry, pipe decorations on cookies using a pastry bag fitted with desired decorating tips and filled with desired colors.

16.   Different varieties require a little more or a little less of this treatment to bring forth the desired colors.

17.   Hot wax seals the image, which is dyed or painted the desired colors.

a. + color >>共 1144
bright 6.08%
different 5.19%
same 2.52%
new 2.32%
solid 1.64%
dark 1.41%
brilliant 1.35%
red 1.21%
national 1.19%
favorite 1.13%
desired 0.34%
desired + n. >>共 328
effect 15.40%
result 9.94%
consistency 4.68%
shape 2.63%
outcome 2.44%
level 2.05%
color 1.66%
direction 1.56%
doneness 1.46%
temperature 1.27%
每页显示:    共 17