11.   Thus member countries may gradually become depressed areas of the Community.

12.   Much of the support for syndicalism and for selfstyled revolutionary and Marxist parties was concentrated outside England in the increasingly depressed areas of central Scotland and South Wales.

13.   They said because Mr Fallon had achieved so much in bringing industry to Darlington it could no longer be treated as a depressed economic area.

14.   At the heart of the exchange was not so much a difference in numbers as it was a difference in philosophy about how to regenerate depressed urban areas.

15.   But it will be difficult to change the pattern, with new prisons rising in depressed rural areas.

16.   But proponents said the new store would benefit consumers and create jobs in the economically depressed area.

17.   By helping local growers profit in an era when independent farms are struggling, he hopes to create a model for reviving depressed agricultural areas around the country.

18.   By following the Indian example and establishing new government banks, Bratishchev and Malyarov argued, Russia could dispense credits in economically depressed areas.

19.   Companies that might yet invest in depressed areas of New York City are watching intently to see if the East Harlem Pathmark project dies a messy political death.

20.   Coolock, a depressed area on the north side of the city, is a vast swatch of dun-colored public housing.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
depressed 0.17%
depressed + n. >>共 205
area 8.23%
price 8.12%
market 5.86%
people 5.07%
patient 4.96%
economy 4.74%
level 3.83%
state 2.93%
region 2.37%
share 2.14%
每页显示:    共 73