11.   Her decision may appear to lack logic, but those close to her believe Kwan is asserting her independence in a search for inspiration.

12.   His decision appears to depend on whether he will be able to have hip surgery performed in the next few weeks.

13.   In a White House that prides itself on a corporate-style decision-making process, this decision appears to have been made quickly and viscerally.

14.   In retrospect the decision appears to have come too late.

15.   In the odd way that Washington works, the decision appeared to put the top priority on economic stability.

16.   Instead, the decision appeared to reflect efforts by the federal authorities to explore any possible lead in terrorism cases.

17.   Now, the decision appears to have been right.

18.   Prime Minister Ehud Barak issued a statement Monday night saying that the decision appeared to be problematic.

19.   Still, the decision appears certain to pay political dividends.

20.   Stevens specifically singled out environmental laws, saying the decision appeared to make states immune from lawsuits for cleanup costs if state agencies were guilty of pollution.

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