11.   Also the way in which he decides whether MD should die is very flippant.

12.   A tribunal was decided on in Rome and Philip sent ambassadors to plead his case.

13.   It was fought all the way to the European Court of Justice, which decided in his favour.

14.   For example, accountants need to decide in which period to charge costs intended to generate future benefits.

15.   It need not be decided in every case.

16.   What has never before been directly decided in England is whether the doctrine applies to a gift of land by delivery of the title deeds...

17.   In December it decided that they were also to acquire farmland.

18.   The Council of the European Communities decided in September to accept the text.

19.   It is for the justices to decide in each case whether these criteria are met.

20.   No longer can investigative stories be stopped merely because they might prejudge a matter which may have to be decided in litigation at some future time.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
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work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
decide 0.14%
decide + p. >>共 66
against 25.05%
in 22.31%
at 7.86%
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between 4.27%
after 3.59%
within 2.76%
upon 2.29%
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