11.   Politicians are not required to make their tax returns public, but it has become de rigeur in recent years to do so.

12.   She is also poised and careful to shield her true feelings, which is de rigeur on the pro tour lest the world get a competitive edge.

13.   There was none to speak of during the game in a city where gridlock is almost de rigeur.

14.   Too many people made similar cries in the days that the NHL refused to clean up its act, when donnybrooks were de rigeur.

15.   Visits to New Hampshire have always been de rigeur for presidential candidates, and Vice President Al Gore has made his share.

16.   While abashed surprise is de rigeur for the authors of fluke successes, Howard is having none of it.

17.   While talk of bipartisanship is de rigeur in Washington, actual bipartisan accomplishments may prove difficult on Capitol Hill next year.

18.   Black mourning dress was de rigeur.

19.   That even a prince could find a tie a royal pain has resonated across Holland, where neckwear remains de rigeur in business.

20.   Toyama also stressed that while polite Japanese is weakening in many quarters, speaking it is still de rigeur in some of the most crucial situations.

n. + rigeur >>共 2
de 95.24%
time 4.76%
de + n. >>共 2049
los 3.99%
la 2.94%
en 1.73%
sel 0.87%
que 0.79%
cuisine 0.68%
e 0.55%
rigeur 0.53%
y 0.53%
mission 0.50%
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