11.   However, its ironic humor may be too dark for mainstream tastes.

12.   It was too dark for even the usually visionary president to see.

13.   Movie theaters across the territory went dark for the day to protest the flood of illegally copied films.

14.   Not all clouds are dark for the Angels.

15.   One pair turned out too dark for the intended room.

16.   Parents, however, may find it too dark for younger children.

17.   Peppers that are too dark for their particular variety may be slightly immature, writes Spieler.

18.   Sierra did not make it and the afternoon turned dark for the Yankees one inning later as the Red Sox scored three times.

19.   Some panelists thought this chocolate looked and tasted too dark for milk chocolate.

20.   The art gallery has been dark for more than a year.

a. + for >>共 863
available 10.91%
set 3.36%
unavailable 2.96%
positive 2.27%
difficult 1.91%
prepared 1.88%
famous 1.75%
important 1.68%
open 1.62%
bad 1.56%
dark 0.05%
dark + p. >>共 43
as 15.16%
for 13.72%
in 11.91%
with 8.66%
by 6.86%
outside 5.78%
at 4.69%
on 3.97%
except_for 3.25%
inside 2.53%
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