11.   His doctor has shared information with him about studies on DHEA and growth hormone, and he is alert to danger signals.

12.   However, McDaniel added, the response to Columbine makes it unlikely schools will take danger signals lightly anytime soon.

13.   Ignoring all the danger signals, and the precedent of the Croatian war, the United States and the European Community recognized Bosnian independence in early April.

14.   In this iconoclastic atmosphere, old-liners like Rabin recognize the danger signals.

15.   Killing continues, and there are danger signals, from both sides, of fanatics taking over the streets.

16.   Only a relative few, though, paid heed to the discernible danger signals.

17.   Sensory nerves detect the corrosive fluid and send danger signals to his brain.

18.   Social withdrawal, neglect of personal appearance, drug use, deteriorating schoolwork, increased irritability and disturbance of conduct are common danger signals.

19.   The absence of those danger signals suggests that the expansion can continue and that the bull market can go on for some time.

20.   The growing opposition to the White House proposal is also a danger signal for budget analysts, who worry that Washington is losing its hard-won fiscal discipline.

n. + signal >>共 312
radio 17.40%
hand 7.32%
television 5.75%
satellite 5.43%
danger 3.39%
radar 2.91%
nerve 2.13%
pain 1.81%
stop 1.65%
telephone 1.65%
danger + n. >>共 71
zone 30.49%
sign 11.88%
signal 9.64%
area 8.07%
level 6.50%
point 4.26%
man 2.91%
spot 2.69%
mark 2.47%
face 1.35%
每页显示:    共 43