11.   Gingrich did nothing to dampen speculation spread by his advisers that he is seriously weighing a run for president.

12.   German government bonds fell for the first day this week, after a newspaper report dampened speculation that the Bundesbank will cut its interest rates in the near future.

13.   Gore has publicly tried to dampen speculation about an early succession.

14.   He said Clinton could dampen price speculation in a variety of ways, by buying heating oil and storing it or even buying heating oil futures contracts.

15.   His comments may further dampen speculation the Fed will soon cut interest rates.

16.   Hong Kong stocks fell, led by property companies, amid concern rising interest rates and a government move to dampen property speculation may curb earnings growth.

17.   In his twice-yearly appearance before Congress, the Fed chairman dampened speculation that the central bank might lower short-term interest rates soon.

18.   Officials on both sides will seek to dampen speculation that they will bend the rules to ensure monetary union goes ahead.

19.   Recent indications that U.S. economic growth is accelerating have dampened that speculation.

20.   Roche sought to dampen speculation of a merger with Novartis, saying that the two companies would merely cooperate when it made sense commercially.

v. + speculation >>共 296
fuel 11.78%
prompt 8.17%
dismiss 7.25%
deny 6.77%
spark 4.81%
raise 4.64%
end 4.33%
reject 1.89%
dampen 1.82%
confirm 1.48%
dampen + n. >>共 280
sentiment 9.43%
demand 8.03%
enthusiasm 7.36%
hope 4.26%
expectation 4.26%
growth 3.47%
speculation 3.22%
spirit 2.86%
part 2.68%
activity 2.01%
每页显示:    共 53