11.   Had there been stem cells that could have regenerated his damaged heart muscle and the blood vessels that fed it, his remaining years would certainly have been better.

12.   In small movements, the damaged heart is lifted out of its protected home behind the rib cage.

13.   In recent weeks Boris Yeltsin has faithfully followed the advice of his physicians to rest his damaged heart before surgery later this year.

14.   Many experts say more advances have been made with ventricular assist devices, which attach to a damaged heart and help it pump blood.

15.   Medicating himself, according to his children, he continued working until his damaged heart had healed.

16.   Naturally the doctors also perform a near-miracle in saving a boy on the operating table whose damaged heart is spewing blood.

17.   Previous animal work had suggested that the growth factor would spur new blood vessels to revive damaged heart muscle.

18.   Scientists have succeeded in using mouse stem cells to restore damaged heart muscle and blood vessels in mice with induced heart attacks.

19.   Scientists have harnessed a natural body chemical that allows damaged hearts to sprout their own bypasses, researchers says.

20.   The activated stem cells homed in on the damaged heart tissue and grew into new heart muscle, enabling most of the animals to survive the heart attack.

a. + heart >>共 888
artificial 4.73%
broken 3.73%
human 3.31%
very 3.09%
new 2.72%
serious 2.43%
open 2.38%
big 2.35%
irregular 2.17%
heavy 2.04%
damaged 1.06%
damaged + n. >>共 601
building 5.37%
area 3.88%
home 3.07%
goods 2.94%
house 2.52%
car 2.30%
heart 1.71%
module 1.54%
vehicle 1.45%
knee 1.41%
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