11.   Even if you spend no more than five minutes on the Web, you can have politicaljunkie.com e-mail you a daily briefing.

12.   Fleischer will be the main spokesman for Bush, with responsibility for the daily White House briefing.

13.   Fleischer during a daily briefing.

14.   For example, a big speciality coffee company could keep its far-flung branches up to date with daily briefings from its corporate headquarters.

15.   For more than a week now, NATO civilian and military spokesmen here have been giving daily briefings to journalists from around the world.

16.   Hall, who has held daily briefings with family members of the victims, said they need to know what happened to their loved one.

17.   He presented daily briefings to senior officers, including at times General Dwight D. Eisenhower who used the top-secret information to select Allied bombing targets.

18.   He receives a steady trickle of mash notes from women who watch his daily briefings on cable and apparently thrill to his pronouncements on Iraq and China.

19.   His description of the location of the refugees seemed generally to match one issued this afternoon at the daily NATO military briefing in Brussels, Belgium.

20.   In Washington, the Pentagon correspondents got some response last week to their request for daily briefings, like those held at the White House and the State Department.

a. + briefing >>共 187
daily 12.01%
regular 5.71%
classified 4.54%
separate 3.95%
private 3.22%
detailed 2.93%
full 2.49%
military 2.49%
recent 2.49%
closed-door 2.20%
daily + n. >>共 893
newspaper 8.47%
life 7.99%
basis 4.44%
routine 2.71%
protest 2.45%
flight 1.99%
report 1.12%
occurrence 1.09%
operation 1.05%
demonstration 1.00%
briefing 0.68%
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