11.   Cut sandwiches in half to serve.

12.   Cut sandwiches into triangles, squares or rectangles.

13.   Cut the sandwich into quarters and arrange on a plate, cut sides facing out.

14.   Cut each sandwich in half diagonally and then again into smaller triangles.

15.   Cut the sandwich into wedges or strips.

16.   Cut the sandwiches diagonally.

17.   Cut off crust and cut each sandwich into triangles or fingers.

18.   Cut sandwich on diagonal to serve.

19.   Cut sandwiches in half and served immediately.

20.   Cut sandwiches in half diagonally, and serve at once.

v. + sandwich >>共 156
eat 15.66%
make 14.21%
cut 4.74%
have 3.64%
sell 2.37%
buy 2.37%
serve 2.00%
bring 1.64%
want 1.64%
order 1.46%
cut + n. >>共 936
cost 13.27%
tax 4.73%
rate 4.57%
price 3.88%
job 2.05%
production 1.70%
tie 1.68%
number 1.42%
deficit 1.17%
deal 1.15%
sandwich 0.14%
每页显示:    共 26