11.   State radio was cut due to the lack power for its transmitter.

12.   The government could not find new sources of income and the allocation in the development budget has been cut due to failure to mobilise funds.

13.   Washington strongly backs both missions and objected last year when Boutros-Ghali suggested that those operations might have to be cut due to the budget crunch.

14.   Workers at a truck factory in central Romania got a taste Monday of what economic reforms will bring when power was cut due to unpaid bills.

15.   The statement did not say how many jobs the firm would cut due to the downsizing.

16.   There aree widespread water shortages, daily power cuts due to reduced hydro-electric generation and increasing incidence of dehydration, diarrhoea and jaundice, reports said.

17.   Prison administrators said they were forced to cut payments due to a lack of funds from the state.

v. + due >>共 36
make 16.04%
cut 16.04%
leave 7.55%
recall 5.66%
report 5.66%
hold 4.72%
call 3.77%
find 2.83%
get 2.83%
have 2.83%
cut + a. >>共 161
short 58.70%
loose 10.03%
open 4.48%
free 2.13%
early 2.13%
spending 1.76%
close 1.60%
overseas 1.39%
deeper 1.33%
due 0.91%
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