11.   FOOTNOTE Children who have experienced the death of a parent or grandparent or who have been involved in a custody dispute may find parts of this film upsetting.

12.   Gay rights advocates called the decision the clearest ruling yet that so-called psychological parents should be treated the same as biological parents in child custody disputes.

13.   Gill said that at a minimum, the system should provide attorneys to financially strapped people in eviction proceedings and all custody disputes.

14.   In custody disputes, for example, the test is used to help determine the emotional fitness of warring parents.

15.   In one, the justices backed a poor Mississippi woman who challenged the fees charged for her appeal in a child custody dispute.

16.   In one custody dispute, Fayer discovered documents proving that a wife had attempted to conceal a history of alcoholism.

17.   Instead, they toil in an understaffed, underfunded service agency where they grapple with cases of suicide, spousal abuse, rape, custody disputes and drug addiction.

18.   Like most custody disputes, the Daniel case is a tangled web of charges and countercharges.

19.   Meanwhile, the woman had become pregnant, provoking a child custody dispute that lasted years.

20.   More than anything, Newdow, a father in the throes of a custody dispute, said he would like to change family law.

n. + dispute >>共 551
labor 13.90%
trade 13.02%
border 9.09%
contract 7.96%
land 4.88%
pay 2.46%
auto 2.12%
business 2.08%
election 1.94%
custody 1.63%
custody + n. >>共 110
battle 27.57%
case 11.14%
dispute 10.56%
fight 4.84%
hearing 4.11%
issue 3.67%
business 2.49%
trial 2.35%
agreement 2.20%
arrangement 2.05%
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