11.   Residents rushed from their homes, others, diverted in their cars to back streets because of closed highways, pulled over and joined the crowded sidewalks.

12.   The city maintained that for years the Israelites and their sound system had made life miserable for pedestrians on the crowded sidewalk and for people working in nearby offices.

13.   The South Koreans described Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, as a drab yet orderly city, with tall buildings and crowded sidewalks.

14.   They ambled, off leash, along the crowded sidewalks of the Schwabing district in Munich, as undistracted by traffic as blinkered horses along Fifth Avenue.

15.   We also brought along a baby backpack, which was a terrific way to move along crowded sidewalks and which gave Gabriel a great view.

16.   Later the same day, she walks along a crowded Manhattan sidewalk, sunglasses her only disguise.

17.   Most of the mange-covered animals lie listlessly on crowded downtown sidewalks.

18.   Music poured from crowded sidewalk restaurants.

19.   Most of the animals, covered in mange, lie listlessly on crowded downtown sidewalks, turned out on the streets by owners tired of caring for them.

20.   She jumped out to chase them down a crowded sidewalk as Cox raced the car through heavy traffic.

a. + sidewalk >>共 206
crowded 5.37%
new 5.14%
narrow 4.91%
public 4.67%
downtown 4.67%
icy 2.34%
concrete 2.34%
busy 2.34%
below 1.87%
front 1.87%
crowded + n. >>共 566
field 6.49%
market 5.15%
street 4.93%
area 3.41%
bus 2.82%
room 2.67%
place 1.93%
city 1.89%
condition 1.82%
train 1.63%
sidewalk 0.85%
每页显示:    共 23