11.   The crowd jammed the main door, trampling several people, according to an Austrian radio reporter at the scene,

12.   Crowds jam shops and supermarkets Saturday in Europe, where retail laws in many countries prohibit most shopping on Sunday.

n. + jam >>共 204
traffic 14.94%
gun 7.05%
thousand 4.15%
crowd 2.49%
caller 2.28%
hundred 2.07%
resident 2.07%
people 2.07%
door 1.87%
car 1.87%
crowd + v. >>共 814
be 14.88%
gather 5.98%
roar 3.24%
cheer 3.18%
begin 2.46%
go 2.09%
boo 1.70%
disperse 1.59%
give 1.47%
grow 1.36%
jam 0.16%
每页显示:    共 12