11.   As a result, he said, scientists have suggested not designating critical habitat for the rock gnome as it would simply be a road map for collectors.

12.   After all, President Bill Clinton only began setting aside critical habitats for endangered species after environmentalists forced his administration to do so in the courts.

13.   Against heavy lobbying from the environmental community, a moratorium on new endangered species and critical habitat listings was approved.

14.   Critical habitat rules not only protect endangered species and where they live, they protect lands where endangered species have been driven out but could again repopulate.

15.   Domenici said his plan would prevent creation of critical habitat until recovery plans are completed for endangered species.

16.   Fish and Wildlife gave establishment of critical habitat its lowest priority.

17.   Galvin said his group has decided to go back to federal court in Phoenix to try to force designation of the critical habitat area.

18.   If the jaguar is listed, studies may indicate that the San Pedro is critical habitat for its existence.

19.   One emerging issue is that the females apparently travel more extensively while giving birth than originally thought, with whales increasingly sighted outside the critical habitat.

20.   Some have blamed the disappearance of buffalo, suggesting that bison wallows may have been a critical habitat for the locusts.

a. + habitat >>共 258
natural 24.80%
critical 4.77%
native 3.49%
new 2.91%
important 1.86%
suitable 1.75%
animal 1.75%
prime 1.40%
different 1.28%
salmon 1.16%
critical + n. >>共 1206
condition 26.79%
issue 2.54%
time 2.30%
role 1.76%
moment 1.72%
factor 1.19%
question 1.19%
report 1.13%
acclaim 1.01%
part 1.00%
habitat 0.42%
每页显示:    共 41